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05 October 2009 Y

Beyonce Knowles : If I Were A Boy Lyrics

If I were a boy even just for a day
I'd roll out of bed in the morning
And throw on what I wanted
And go drink beer with the guys

And chase after girls
I'd kick it with who I wanted
And I'd never get confronted for it
'Cause they stick up for me

If I were a boy
I think I could understand
How it feels to love a girl
I swear I'd be a better man

I'd listen to her
'Cause I know how it hurts
When you lose the one you wanted
'Cause he's taking you for granted
And everything you had got destroyed

If I were a boy
I would turn off my phone
Tell everyone it's broken
So they'd think that I was sleeping alone

I'd put myself first
And make the rules as I go
'Cause I know that she'd be faithful
Waiting for me to come home, to come home

If I were a boy
I think I could understand
How it feels to love a girl
I swear I'd be a better man

I'd listen to her
'Cause I know how it hurts
When you lose the one you wanted
'Cause he's taking you for granted
And everything you had got destroyed

It's a little too late for you to come back
Say it's just a mistake
Think I'd forgive you like that
If you thought I would wait for you
You thought wrong

But you're just a boy
You don't understand
And you don't understand, oh
How it feels to love a girl
Someday you wish you were a better man

You don't listen to her
You don't care how it hurts
Until you lose the one you wanted
'Cause you're taking her for granted
And everything you had got destroyed
But you're just a boy

Monday, October 05, 2009

13 July 2009 Y


Who in this world can one really trust?

I reckon there isn't anybody in this world that one can really believe.

Not even oneself.

As one won't be able to control their emotions and needs for certain things.

Hence, trust nobody at all.

What should one do?

To just keep all emotions and feelings to oneself and nobody else?

Even if one were to share it with another.

There's always the high possibility whereby one will still be betrayed by others.

I reckon.

It would still be better if things are still kept mute.

All to oneself till the day whereby one goes crazy.

Monday, July 13, 2009

13 April 2009 Y

Sorry readers,
It had been ages since I'd blogged.
Hope all of you are doing fine.

Too many things happened.
But yet...
It is too hard to describe.
However, things are much better now.

It is time to sleep now.
But I can't sleep at all.
Why is that so??


Monday, April 13, 2009

18 March 2009 Y

Cherish : Unappreciated Lyrics

Songwriters: King, Farrah; Williams, Cedric Allen; Alexander, Phalon; King, Neosha; King, Fallon; King, Felisha;

I'm feeling really unappreciated.
You takin` my love for granted, babe.
I don't know how much more,
I can take from you.
You don't do the things you use to do.
You don't even say I love you too.
and lately I've been feeling,
Feeling unappreciated.

[Verse 1:]

Woke up this morning and saw your face
And you didn't look the same as yesterday.
I got the feeling that you can't seem to see,
What you want to be.
And lately it ain't been the same at all.
When you're here its like I'm invisable
I still can't seem to see where I went wrong.
Cuz I'm feeling


I'm feeling really unappreciated.
You takin` my love for granted, babe.
I don't know how much more,
I can take from you.
You don't do the things you use to do.
You don't even say I love you too.
and lately I've been feeling,
Feeling unappreciated.

[Verse 2:]

Lately our house is not a home
You come in, take a shower and then say I'm gone.
what am I to do
With my heart just leave
But my feet won't move
Today is our anniversary
But you haven't even say two words to me
I'm trying hard to give you another chance
But ooh baby I'm feeling

I'm feeling really unappreciated.
You takin` my love for granted, babe.
I don't know how much more,
I can take from you.
You don't do the things you use to do.
You don't even say I love you too.
and lately I've been feeling,
Feeling unappreciated.

[Verse 3:]

Oh when I first met you
I thought you was the most perfect man
That I ever seen
I still don't understand why
You treat me like you do
I use to give into your lust
Now I see the truth
Oh no I don't want to hear it all through
Yea I know I'll still be missing you
But it's not worth the pain
That came from you
You made me feel


I'm feeling really unappreciated.
You takin` my love for granted, babe.
I don't know how much more,
I can take from you.
You don't do the things you use to do.
You don't even say I love you too.
and lately I've been feeling,
Feeling unappreciated.

Don't love me no more
Heeey wooo hooo
I'm feeling unappreciated

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

04 March 2009 Y

王力宏 Wang LeeHom - 你不在 [Ni Bu Zai] [You're Not Here]

Album: 不可思議/Unbelievable

Songwriter: 王力宏 Wang LeeHom

Lyricists: 李焯雄 Li ChaoXiong and 陳鎮川 Chen ZhenChuan

Pin Yin and Translation Credit: tammiest

Dang shi jie zhi sheng xia zhe chuang tou deng
When all that's left in the world is this lamp on my nightstand (1)

Ni na bian shi zao chen yi jing chu men
It's early morning where you are; you've already left the house

Wo ce shen gan dao ni zai zhuan shen
I'm lying on my side; I can sense that you are turning around (2)

無數陌生人 正在等下一個綠燈
Wu shu mo sheng ren Zheng zai deng xia yi ge lu deng
Countless strangers Are waiting for the next green light

Yi zai cuo shen bi ci cui ruo de shi fen
Again and again, we've missed each other's most lonely and vulnerable times

Bu guo ke wang yi ge wen de yu wen
However, I am still longing for the lingering warmth of your kiss

我關了燈 黑暗把我併吞 Wo
Wo guan le deng Hei an ba wo bing tun Wo
I turn off the lights, The darkness engulfs and swallows me, whoa


你不在 當我最需要愛 你卻不在 Wo
Ni bu zai Dang wo zui xu yao ai Ni que bu zai Wo
You're not here Just when I need love the most You're not here, Whoa

無盡等待像獨白的難捱 Wo
Wu jin deng dai xiang du bai de nan ai Wo
This endless waiting is slow torture, like a monologue

你不在 高興還是悲哀 你都不在
Ni bu zai Gao xing hai shi bei ai Ni dou bu zai
You're not here Happiness or Sorrow, You're not here

我受了傷再偷偷好起來 但你不在 不在
Wo shou le shang zai tou tou hao qi lai Dan ni bu zai Bu zai
I've been hurt, and I secretly, stealthily recovered But you weren't here You weren't here (3)

Shi jian zai an xia xu duo ci kuai men
Time has clicked the shutter numerous times (4)

Chen mo li ting jian zhuan dong de miao zhen
In the silence, you can hear the ticking second hand

Yi ge ren chi fan zhe ge ling chen
I eat alone this early morning, this dawn

孤單一人份 你低聲說你有別人
Gu dan yi ren fen Ni di sheng shuo ni you bie ren
But this loneliness belongs to just one person In a low voice, you tell me that you have found someone else


Wo de hua tong zhi you zi ji de ti wen
Against the mouthpiece of my telephone, there is only the warmth of my own body

Zen yang ren zhen ye bu yi ding cheng zhen
Oh, "earnestness can't guarantee that your dreams will come true"

你說得對 我不得不承認 Wo
Ni shuo de dui Wo bu de bu cheng ren Wo
You were right I can't deny it, Whoa


你不在 當我最需要愛 你卻不在 Wo
Ni bu zai Dang wo zui xu yao ai Ni que bu zai Wo
You're not here Just when I need love the most You're not here, Whoa

無盡等待像獨白的難捱 Wo
Wu jin deng dai xiang du bai de nan ai Wo
This endless waiting is slow torture, like a monologue

你不在 高興還是悲哀 你都不在
Ni bu zai Gao xing hai shi bei ai Ni dou bu zai
You're not here Happiness or Sorrow, You're not here

我受了傷再偷偷好起來 但你不在 Wo
Wo shou le shang zai tou tou hao qi lai Dan ni bu zai Wo
I've been hurt, and I secretly, stealthily recovered But you weren't here You weren't here


那些搖擺 我都明白 都明白
Na xie yao bai Wo dou ming bai Dou ming bai
That kind of indecision, that swaying... I understand it all Understand it all

但你不在 愛已不在 不在
Dan ni bu zai Ai yi bu zai Bu zai
But you're not here Love has already gone It's not here

你不在 當我最需要愛 你卻不在 Wo
Ni bu zai Dang wo zui xu yao ai Ni que bu zai Wo
You're not here Just when I need love the most You're not here, Whoa

一個人分飾兩角的戀愛 Wo
Yi ge ren fen shi liang jiao de lian ai Wo
One person taking on all the responsibility of a two-person relationship, Whoa

你不在 高興還是悲哀 你都不在 Wo

Ni bu zai Gao xing hai shi bei ai Ni dou bu zai Wo
You're not here Happiness or Sorrow, You're not here, Whoa

Xiang kong qi ban bu cun zai de cun zai
Like the air-- knowing it exists, but not knowing where it is

Zai mei you hen ji de ai
A love that leaves no hints or traces

你不在 當我需要你的愛 你不在
Ni bu zai Dang wo xu yao ni de ai Ni bu zai
You weren't here When I needed your love You weren't here

(1) He means that everything is dark, so that all the light that's left... is from the lamp on his bedside table.

(2) He's lying on his side, so he imagines that his ear is turned toward her, who is on the other side of the world. Thus, he can "sense" where she is and what she's doing.

(3) He is not really doing all this secretly-- but, for all intents and purposes, he might as well be... because the girl is not by his side... nor does she seem to be involved in his life in any way.

(4) He is implying that, although time has taken many "(camera) shots" or "stills" of his life, the girl he loves can't be found in any of them.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009


Name: Dawn
Nick: LoVeAnGeL
D.O.B: 11 March 1983
Astrological Sign: Pisces
Zodiac Year:Boar
Hometown: Singapore
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Occupation: Undergraduate in Flinders University
Degree: Bachelor in Nutrition & Dietetics
School: CHIJ Primary, Katong Convent, Temasek Polytechnic, Flinders University of South Australia

Hobbies & InterestsY

Chatting on the phone
Dancing (belly, bollywood, bhangradancing)
Food - especially chocolates


Pets: Chickens, Cats, Dogs, Guinea Pigs, Hamsters, Mice, Rabbits
Colours: Black, Blue, White
Movies: Romance, Comedy, Action
Snacks: Chocolates, Chips, Chips
Fruits: Strawberries, Kiwi, Mango, Jumbu, Mangosteen


People: Backstabbers, Cheaters, Gamblers, Gangsters, Heart Breakers, Liars (especially compulsive liars), People who always break promises, Selfish people, Sore Losers
Food: Bitter Gourd, Kang Kong


Pass my Clinical placement
Graduate in 2008
Get my own Car
Tour around the world
A big house with heaps of pets in there
A collection of pure white non-albino wild animals
Be rich